The rain held off and the conditions turned out to be great for our goal race in Hamilton this Boxing Day. Deciding what to wear for this race was almost as hard as those last few hills in the race with the warm turn in the weather we had yesterday. With nearly 700 participants, this race turned out to be quite an event. Here are the times of the participants and friends who traveled with us to the race. The breakdown of the reading is Name, clock time, place age, place gender, pace/mile, chip time.
Gary Moss 1:12:23 15/73 79 7:14 1:12:18
Jennifer Roxburgh 1:22:22 10/27 39 8:14 1:22:16
Chuck Butcher 1:22:22 47/88 190 8:14 1:22:18
Greg D'cruz 1:23:05 23/39 198 8:18 1:22:59
Geri Suginomori 1:26:27 5/40 65 8:37 1:26:04
Edgar Viret 1:26:37 27/52 235 8:40 1:26:32
Lynne Ballantine 1:33:53 8/40 112 9:22 1:33:31
Shellee Stinson 1:34:36 20/53 118 9:26 1:34:12
David Speed 1:35:12 72/88 324 9:30 1:34:57
Richard Cooper 1:35:28 43/66 329 9:31 1:35:05
Jo Anne Bayes 1:38:23 24/53 151 9:48 1:37:59
Cathy Bromley 1:54:50 47/53 253 11:28 1:54:34
Ann Morgan 2:00:25 27/27 265 12:00 1:59:54
Al Storie 2:01:14 66/66 410 12:07 2:01:03
Cathy Storie 2:01:14 35/40 268 12:05 2:00:42
Ken Niemimaa 1:09:03 5/28 48 6:54 1:08:59
Here is the map of the course route from the race.

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