You may be wondering why the web site has been so quiet for the last few days. Well I've been down in Sunny Florida running the Marathon of the Palm Beaches and checking out potential locations for next years Hit The Road Winter Marathon trip.
What I found in Palm Beach was a well organized race with a great course as long as the weather co-operates. Unfortunately this year it didn't with a temp at 6:30am when the race started of 24° C and by the time I finished it was 30° C. This was by far my slowest marathon yet and at mile 16 I switched from 10 and 1's to 5 and 1's. By the end of the race, I was struggling to run 500M at a time but I finished and have a nice shiny medal to add to my collection.
The course was as flat as I've ever seen and had 24 water stations which helped me drink about 8 litres during the run (more went over my head) and the only downfall of the course was the lack of shade.
Apparently about 200 people switched from the full to the half marathon the day before the race due to the heat.
I thought that my slow time really sucked until I checked the official results and found that I was still in the top half of all the marathon finishers so I know I wasn't the only one who suffered with the heat.
The conclusion is that this was a great course, well organized but if you decide to run it next year and it's a hot weekend... Switch to the half marathon!
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