when: 8am
where: Greenwood Conservation Area in Ajax
duration: 1hr45
pace: steady
directions: from Taunton, go north on Church, parking is on the right hand side, before the dog park

Sunday July 17 Road
when: 8am
where: Toronto waterfront - meet at Leslie and Lakeshore
distances: from 14k to 30k
pace: slow with walk breaks
notes: bring lots of fluid, a hat, sunglasses, and $$ for breakfast!
contact us to carpool!

Where's the map?
There is an overhead flashing light at the intersection of Church and Taunton. Parking area is about 1.5K from the intersection.
The road is very bumpy after you cross the train tracks...
We will most likely be meeting for the Sunday run at the Loblaws which is on the North east block of Leslie and Lakeshore. I will confirm after Friday's race. Anyone need a ride down?
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