Lora Rigutto, competitive Race walker and all around exceptional athlete, will be hosting a Learn to Race Walk clinic at the Pine Ridge Track on Sunday July 17th at 7pm. She will cover the basics on technique and form. Although, Race walking is a whole lot more than walking, it may be something to use to add variety to our workout schedules. It could be something to incorporate into all our training as there are points in everyone's races where walking is the only option. Those who are planning on doing ultras or Ironmans would be well off in taking this seminar.
This is the information that Lora sent:
I'll see you and the gang on the 17th at 7pm at Pine Ridge S.S.
The cost will be $15.00 per person, payable by cheque to Lora Rigutto or cash is fine.
Everyone should bring water and the flattest pair of running shoes/racing flats you have (unless people have specific racewalking shoes). You don't have to have racewalking shoes (but it helps). It's difficult to racewalk in big bulky stability running shoes. A flexible shoe works best.
If you need more information, please email me at hit the road with Ken

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